FREEDOM FORUM is unique.
Our weekly “Roasting The Press” vid-cast critiques legacy and “new” media techniques and technologies, while our “Last Week Today” program provides context and connections for the most important news stories of the week.
We’re a part of the fast growing alternative, “new media” ecosystem, which grew up around distributed, low cost technologies developed to enhance two-way communications between authors and audiences.
New media outlets compete directly against the mass, “legacy” institutions that once dominated public conversations via one way communications channels such as newspapers, glossy magazines, television, radio and film.
New media provides two way communication and “feedback” at a fraction of the cost of the one way “top down” channels provided by legacy media.
No wonder the legacy media is dying.

FREEDOM FORUM, in typical new media fashion, tries to to do things a little differently. We link to both our peers and to our competitors. We track, vet and comment on their stories plus we produce our own.
And sometimes, they talk back to us, which is as it should be. In essence, Freedom Forum provides context for the news of the day.
We even compliment our competitors by highlighting their best work. For example, some of the best Canadian new media outlets were profiled in the December 27th, 2023 Freedom Forum post, “The 2024 Freedom Forum Listing of Important and Influential Canadian "NEW" Media.”
We also assesses the data sources, technology and distribution techniques used by media to compile their stories.
A recent example is the January 1st, 2024 Freedom Forum post, “The Secret Behind Public Policy "Think Tanks," which focused on how independently funded “think tanks” compile information packages for governments, influencers and media outlets to drive public policy.

Since everyone else seems to want to either track the decline of legacy media or else prop it up, Freedom Forum is going to focus on tracking the “new” and alternative media ecosystem.
We’ll dig down the rabbit holes of media funding, government regulations officially designed to curb “hate speech“ but also useful for banning new media outlets and opposition perspectives.
We’ll provide reviews of up and coming outlets, their distribution channels, plus delve into topics such as how “cadences” affects audience interaction and the effect of delta waves on viewers.
It will be fun, informative and “actionable.”
Some of our stories will remain free to read for the first thirty days after publication. After that, you’re welcome to access the archived stories with a monthly subscription.
But others will start out behind a paywall because they’re good stories which took a lot of time and effort to compile and even journalists have to eat.
Freedom Forum benefits from not taking money from governments or activists with agendas so we’re not going to do it. This allows us to focus on our readers and be a little more “honest” in our coverage.
But in order to continue doing so, we need your help. Check out the “subscribe” page below to learn what we charge and what we provide in exchange.
So if you’d like to learn more about the changing media landscape, its biases, the techniques it uses to influence your thoughts, and the stories it covers, sign up to Freedom Forum and subscribe to our stories.
There’s a lot of good stories to tell. Lets help get the word out.
Freedom Forum claims copyright disclaimer under section 107 of the US Copyright Act of 1976, allowing for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism and Section 29 of the 1921 Canadian Copyright Act allowing for “fair dealing” exemptions for criticism, review and news reporting.
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